What Can I Tell You?

Monson winter moonscape

It’s been several months since I have written a blog post — and simply put I have been absorbed in the joys and challenges of life. Making art. Taking care of a wee one. 

And most importantly — loving life so completely….embracing the chaos, the  messiness, the heartache and the celebrations, that I ache with emotion.

I make art - to try to put into concrete terms this immeasurable joy of living in this physical world. 

The elegant simplicity of hand- spun linen, dipped in indigo.

Monson slate shards woven with hand-spun paper. My tribute to the industries of this region - past and present.

Currently I am up in Monson, Maine on the tail end of a month long residency. Being in this community of hardy rural folks with my cohort creatives has nurtured a steady stream of work, exploring new techniques and revisiting familiar turf.

Winter has traditionally been a vibrant and productive time in my studio - and this winter retreat has nurtured my curiosity and opened my eyes and heart.
The FiberArt Now exhibit “Yarn Rope String” is still up at the New Bedford Art Museum check it out before it closes on March 12th. And in other news — I have been selected as a Mentor in the Maine Crafts Associations Craft Apprentice Program. For the next 9 months I will be working with quilter/poet Katherine Ferrier of Rockland Maine. We will explore making and dyeing threads, weaving from start to finish and building a cohesive body of work. Read more about this fabulous program!

Check out this on line exhibit at Speedwell Projects! So happy and honored to be included.

As always - the latest images and news can be found on my Instagram page.

Stay beautiful, my friends - Sarah