
The Evidence

The Evidence

EVIDENCE is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” 

No surprise, this word is currently part of our political climate.

Just back from a month long sojourn in warmer climes, I laid out and examined the “Small Parts”   that I created while away – examining the evidence of my own life.

Leaf with Blue Hole

Leaf with Blue Hole

These little works of art- the woven shells, embroidered leaves and netted horseshoe crab shells – are physical objects that are evidence of a period of contemplation and curiosity.

But these concrete things are really a gateway to the unseen, the invisible.

Here I am reminded of what the Little Prince says

Rusted Chip

Rusted Chip

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

It is easy to get caught up in the evidence, the concrete and physical. Perhaps the truth lies in the invisible, not necessarily in the evidence.

Small Parts

Shell Weavings

Shell Weavings

This winter, I am away for a month, renting a small bungalow in the Florida Keys. On this trip I decided to test the idea that limiting one’s tools, materials and palette has a way of forcing new paths of creativity.I intentionally limited my “art bag” to a few materials and supplies. I brought drawing supplies, water colors, and a sketch book. I brought some embroidery threads and a bunch of bobbins with indigo dyed linens, needles and scissors. Thats it.I have always believed that to make art, I do not need to have elaborate equipment or materials. My teaching mantra has been “any solid object can be a loom.”Leaf embroidery #1Years ago, during a solo residency on a White Island (off the coast of NH), I tested this theory and built looms out of driftwood, found ropes and other flotsam.So are I am again, testing this idea, opening doors to new ways of making art.

Horseshoe crab #1

Horseshoe crab #1

These little weavings and embroideries are a small part of a larger story:  my curiosity about the invisible mysteries of life, the infinite wisdom of the natural world and the beautiful potential of each moment.This collection of works is titled “Small Parts” in reference to the idea that we are all small parts of a larger Universe.   

The heart, the voice and a vision.


Love: a visit with village elders

I am back from a five week pilgrimage to southern India. This is my third trip to Tamil Nadu, each time I feel a deeper connection to my own heart as well as the heart of the world. Even though I visited many of the same temples, the same ashram and the same villages – my heart and my eyes were opened anew.Back home in my studio I feel a stronger connection to my creative voice and vision. I know without a doubt that the depth of my connection to truth, love and reality while in India is playing out in my art work.

A quiet time with the ashram cows

Sketchbook: A quiet time with the ashram cows

An invesigation of impermanence has captivated me for a decade and driven my two most recent community art projects.    This awareness of impermanence is part of a Hindu’s daily life – and makes the present moment so alive and expansive.So here I am home….with a heart that has had time for deep reflection as well as being broken open by the devotion and love of these beautiful people. I have a wide horizon of time to create, to make new art and give voice to these new stirrings in my heart. Stay tuned for works in progress and continued reflections on this trip!

The Ashram weave shed where they weave shawls and saris

The Ashram weave shed where they weave shawls and saris

Namaste ~ Sarah

I see

Thru the eyes of a puppy
Thru the eyes of a puppy

I am back home from a month of sailing on the coast of Maine.

Witness at Merchants Row

Witness at Merchants Row

We have a 30′ sloop named Witness – actually she is the third boat named Witness that we have owned. For over 30 years I have sailed these waters with some awareness of the connection between sailing and observing/seeing.

August sailing journal

August sailing journal

But this summer, after four weeks of living aboard, I think I finally “got it.” What I came to understand is that these weeks have been literally about just seeing – observing and witnessing.Prior to heading out to sea I packed a pile of drawing supplies, three journals, paper to write on, to draw on and paint on. I packed paper to spin along with my drop spindle. I packed needles and linen thread. I packed scissors and a knife. I packed several books to read. I also packed a small iPad with headphones and the reference guides to the energy work I am studying. I was prepared to be busy and fully occupied.

Shifu spinning at sea

Shifu spinning at sea

It quickly became clear the the muses of the ocean had other plans for my time and attention. When we were under way, either by sail or power, I used my full attention to navigate our course. A few times when we were at anchor I was able to draw in my journal or the ship’s log to document our cruise. Twice I used my spindle to spin paper into Shifu thread.But for the most part either by choice or design – this past month I spent my time just looking. I observed the waves, the tides, the wind direction and speed, the motion of the lobster buoys, the seaweed, the porpoises and seals, quahogs and smooth granite ledges.I heard the cry of an eagle, the huff of a harbor seal, the thwack of the halyard and the hum of an outboard motor. I smelled rotten fish, dewy evergreens, stinky boots and diesel fumes.

Vinalhaven sunset

Vinalhaven sunset

But mostly I saw the beauty of the natural world that my heart was thirsty for.I saw a deep connection between my husband and myself.

Thru the eyes of a puppy

Thru the eyes of a puppy

I saw life through the eyes of a puppy.I’ll admit it is really wonderful to be home where it is dry and warm. And it’s wonderful to be back in my studio with room to make art. But all this feels deeper and richer for the past month of simply witnessing aboard “Witness.”

The color blue


The blues slay me

I believe that there is something powerful and energetically uplifting to the color blue – which is an odd contradiction to the musical or emotional blues.Just look at this horizon – this layering of turquoise, aqua and periwinkle just slays me.Indigo blue has been the foundation color for most of my artwork for well over a decade. Not only does this color have deep historical and cross-cultural roots – to me it has a time honored and innate wisdom.Tomorrow I head back home and I am eager to dive back into studio work. There’s something about being away that lights a fire in my creative juices. I’m rested and renewed, filled with fresh ideas and more clear on themes and pieces that have been on my mind for months.And yes — there will be more blue. Aqua, ultramarine, teal, indigo, navy, robin’s egg and the rest of the blues will keep me smiling.

Secrets of the Infinite

Secrets of the Infinite Panel #2

Merci and Thanks

“Thank you Letters” is a community art project that is on-going. This means that I use it as a platform to engage people in conversation about gratitude. The project is made of 26 hand embroidered letters on plastic net lobster buoy flags. Sometimes I ask people to spell something that they feel thankful for. Sometimes I spell words myself.I am just back from a wonderful 3 weeks in France – where I used the flags to spell “Merci” (thank you in French). I took these flags around my travels and photographed it in a variety of settings. My favorite is at Charles De Gaulle airport security in  Paris. My bag was being searched and inside the bag was the string of Merci flags. I asked the agent to hold the up so I could take her picture…and she was quite happy to do so. What a HUGE contrast to the attitude of our TSA officials here in the USA.

Back at home

Leaves on linen

Fall leaves on hand-woven linen

I am back from a transformational trip to the hills of northern Georgia. I had the good fortune to be selected as a fellow to The Hambidge Center in Rabun Gap, GA, where I was an artist in residence for 2 weeks.Now: Letters By HandWhile I was at Hambidge I was able to complete “Now” Letters by Hand” – a 22 month project using the American Sign Language alphabet as a platform for inner reflection. This project is a 13′ by 3′ installation – so a photo of the whole project is a bit of a challenge. I will be posting a link to a  video link soon.En route to Georgia I stopped at The Bancroft School in Worcester, MA. I spent a day working with the Middle School to complete an installation for the school entry way. Here we all are at the end of a very successful day, sitting underneath the prayer flag installation!

Bancroft School installation

Bancroft School installation

Now back here in Maine, I am diving into new projects as well as connecting with continuing projects. My favorite season is approaching – snow season – when I can settle inside my studio, warm and cozy while the snow piles up outside.Be sure to check out my Face Book art page – Sarah D. Haskell – and give it a thumbs up! Thanks! 

Warm days. portable art

Summer in Maine goes by like the blink of an eye. We wait and wait for it to get warm, to feel the heat of the sun, and perhaps swim in water that is above 65 degrees! And here it is August 13, with a few trees sporting tinges of red just to remind us that fall will be stepping in before too long.

Island Beauty

Casco Bay, Maine – Island Beauty

Witness - our 30' Nonsuch sloop

Witness- our 30′ Nonsuch sloop

I try to spend as much time outside and in/on the water in the summer. We have a 30′ sailboat – which is cozy and perfect for two – but she cannot accommodate a loom!


Portable art rules my summer days!

Since I have an inner urgent need to create constantly – I have found ways to adapt to our summer lifestyle and home. I knit, draw, paint, stitch – any creative effort that is small and portable.I have completed my embroidery series “Now: Letters by Hand”. Poignantly I used my beloved Faye as my model for letter Z – the last letter of my alphabet. And in mid-July, we had to say a very sad good bye to her. The text here says “A kiss before you go.” I miss my studio assistant.

Letters by Hand - Z

Now: Letters by Hand – Z

Summer sun, summer moon

Summer moon rise
Summer moon rise
summer sun set

Summer sun setting towards So. Freeport, ME

I am home for a couple of weeks after a two week shake down cruise on our “new” sail boat. We left Rockland, ME on July 1st heading West towards Tentants Harbor down the Mussel Ridge Channel. Well it was certainly a shake down adventure! We had engine trouble and then we lost our brand new prop somewhere between Christmas Cove and  Boothbay Harbor.

Independance flies high!

Independence flies high in Boothbay Harbor!

Thankfully we were near the Paul Luke Yard who specialize in propeller installation. With a brand new prop we left Lewis Cove and headed further west ending up at Brewers Yard in South Freeport with more engine issues. Phew….hours and dollars later, we have a smooth running engine. But best of all…we had many hours of AMAZING sailing. Witness sails like a beauty, balanced and graceful. We feel blessed to be the new owners of this boat, in spite of the trials of this first cruise.While out on the boat, I brought an embroidery project that I’ve been working on called “Now ~ An alphabet by hand” to keep my hands busy and satisfy my need to create. I am working on letter N inspired by the mating White Admiral butterflies that visited us for a lengthy time in Port Clyde on the 4th of July. You can see other embroidered letters in a previous post.In honor of tonight’s full moon here is a moon rise from The Goslings near Harpswell, ME.

baot on lift

Paul Luke yard inspecting our propeller empty shaft.


Sketch for embroidery

Sketch of mating butterflies for embroidery

Summer moon rise

Summer moon rise

Back from India!

Sarah at ashram weaving workshopI am back from an amazing journey/pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu, Southern India. I have many tales to tell and photos to share. Here is a photo of me at the Saccidananda Weaving Workshop part of Saccidananda Ashram (also called Shantivanam)  in the village of Tannirpalli. Back to you soon with more to share! Namaste, Sarah

Off to India!

Sarah with snake charmer

I have the good fortune of going to India for a month this winter. This will be my second trip (this photo is from my first trip in 2008!), this time traveling with my husband Ben. We will spend three weeks at Saccidananda Ashram in Thannirpalli, which is in the very south of India.

The ashram

From there we will go to Mt. Arunacula for a 5 day silent retreat.

I will be bringing my portable studio with drawing/painting supplies, embroidery materials and of course a camera! I look forward to sharing my photos and stories on all the beautiful colors, food, people, fabrics and art!

See you in February!