The heart, the voice and a vision.


Love: a visit with village elders

I am back from a five week pilgrimage to southern India. This is my third trip to Tamil Nadu, each time I feel a deeper connection to my own heart as well as the heart of the world. Even though I visited many of the same temples, the same ashram and the same villages – my heart and my eyes were opened anew.Back home in my studio I feel a stronger connection to my creative voice and vision. I know without a doubt that the depth of my connection to truth, love and reality while in India is playing out in my art work.

A quiet time with the ashram cows

Sketchbook: A quiet time with the ashram cows

An invesigation of impermanence has captivated me for a decade and driven my two most recent community art projects.    This awareness of impermanence is part of a Hindu’s daily life – and makes the present moment so alive and expansive.So here I am home….with a heart that has had time for deep reflection as well as being broken open by the devotion and love of these beautiful people. I have a wide horizon of time to create, to make new art and give voice to these new stirrings in my heart. Stay tuned for works in progress and continued reflections on this trip!

The Ashram weave shed where they weave shawls and saris

The Ashram weave shed where they weave shawls and saris

Namaste ~ Sarah

Letter Z goes to India

Before I left for my trip to India, I worked hard to complete my Alphabet of Gratitude. However, I just could not get Letter Z done before I left for Dallas to meet our group. So I completed Letter Z just prior to leaving the USA and photographed Letter Z all during my travels in Tamil Nadu.

Back from India!

Sarah at ashram weaving workshopI am back from an amazing journey/pilgrimage to Tamil Nadu, Southern India. I have many tales to tell and photos to share. Here is a photo of me at the Saccidananda Weaving Workshop part of Saccidananda Ashram (also called Shantivanam)  in the village of Tannirpalli. Back to you soon with more to share! Namaste, Sarah

Off to India!

Sarah with snake charmer

I have the good fortune of going to India for a month this winter. This will be my second trip (this photo is from my first trip in 2008!), this time traveling with my husband Ben. We will spend three weeks at Saccidananda Ashram in Thannirpalli, which is in the very south of India.

The ashram

From there we will go to Mt. Arunacula for a 5 day silent retreat.

I will be bringing my portable studio with drawing/painting supplies, embroidery materials and of course a camera! I look forward to sharing my photos and stories on all the beautiful colors, food, people, fabrics and art!

See you in February!