Enough is enough

For the month of January I am an artist in residence at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT.  I get three meals a day, a studio that is spacious and well lit and a comfy room in a house only steps away from everything.

Enough is enough

Enough is enough

This retreat is a true gift. Each week there are visiting artists who present their own work as well as visit our studios for conversations and critique. It’s been decades since I’ve had this opportunity.This morning I had the opportunity to speak with VT Studio Center visiting sculptor David Hess about Well Used, Well Loved.

Text on kozo paper prior to spinning

Text on kozo paper prior to spinning

He loved the simplicity of the Shifu spun threads wrapped on the mat board – with each persons name – the elegant beauty and unique character of each bundle of threads.“Why do anything with them?” he suggested “— they are perfect just as they are.”I am reminded of this poem by David Whyte:ENOUGH -This few words are enough.If not these words this breath.If not this breath, this sitting here.This opening to the lifewe have refusedagain and againuntil now.Until Now.”With these words – I will honor that these threads are ENOUGH. They will stand on their own as beauty and wisdom.