Small Parts

Shell Weavings

Shell Weavings

This winter, I am away for a month, renting a small bungalow in the Florida Keys. On this trip I decided to test the idea that limiting one’s tools, materials and palette has a way of forcing new paths of creativity.I intentionally limited my “art bag” to a few materials and supplies. I brought drawing supplies, water colors, and a sketch book. I brought some embroidery threads and a bunch of bobbins with indigo dyed linens, needles and scissors. Thats it.I have always believed that to make art, I do not need to have elaborate equipment or materials. My teaching mantra has been “any solid object can be a loom.”Leaf embroidery #1Years ago, during a solo residency on a White Island (off the coast of NH), I tested this theory and built looms out of driftwood, found ropes and other flotsam.So are I am again, testing this idea, opening doors to new ways of making art.

Horseshoe crab #1

Horseshoe crab #1

These little weavings and embroideries are a small part of a larger story:  my curiosity about the invisible mysteries of life, the infinite wisdom of the natural world and the beautiful potential of each moment.This collection of works is titled “Small Parts” in reference to the idea that we are all small parts of a larger Universe.