Milestones and horizons

Our transition from Pollywogs to Shellbacks - at the Equator.

Our transition from Pollywogs to Shellbacks - at the Equator.

Dye Lab in process of getting set up. Indigo vat ready to grow, awesome double sink, inversion burner on wheels, shelves, rust table and big work table covered with yoga mats.

Dye Lab in process of getting set up. Indigo vat ready to grow, awesome double sink, inversion burner on wheels, shelves, rust table and big work table covered with yoga mats.

The wide “Blue Horizon” detail.  Indigo warp. Monofilament weft.

The wide “Blue Horizon” detail. Indigo warp. Monofilament weft.

“The Blue Horizon”

“The Blue Horizon”

This month I honor a couple milestones and I’m expanding my horizons.

Ten years ago this month I sailed across the Atlantic from Cape Town South Africa to Barbados in a 43’ boat with three other people. On March 1st, we crossed the Equator. In maritime lore, there are traditions and rituals that mark the first time a sailor crosses this watery line. Usually Neptune appears, along with some rum and a few lashes. The ceremony observes a mariner's transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn't crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. This ocean passage was pivotal in my self confidence as a sailor, my art work, and a few life lessons. Some day you can ask me about that.

Another milestone - I have completed setting up a new dye lab in my basement! This is the first time since art school days that I have a dedicated, safe, year-round space to dye, rust and paint my handwoven cloth. I’ve got a massive sink, an inversion burner, shelves, buckets, table space and amazing lights. I’m just getting into projects there — so stay tuned for more stories and images.

As a sailor and a swimmer, I often have my eyes on the horizon. This elusive thin line that separates earth from infinity is a source of serenity for many. With a longing to hold this line in my sight as often as possible, I recently wove a 15” tall, 9 feet long strip of indigo blues.

Gazing at this wide blue horizon frees my mind from the particulars of modern life. I hope you find some of the same.

Wishing you wide horizons and good health, Sarah