Slow down, it’s summer!

Threading is slow business

Threading is slow business

Summer in Maine is so incredibly brief ….. I just want to stretch each day and make time slow down.  Luckily when I thread the loom or weave, I am forced to slow down.  There is no fast way to do these activities – without making mistakes!I am currently weaving cloth that will be weathered, rusted and aged after it comes off the loom.  My experiments with ways to transformed my cloth continue!

Frieda comes running

Frieda comes running

This weekend we head off for a month of living aboard our beloved Witness. Frieda is getting better about living aboard – even if it means using a carpet on deck for “her business”!

I hope wherever you are you find a way to slow down and soak up these beautiful days.

Rusted text

Rusted text

Quiet anchorage

Quiet anchorage