Finished but not the end

The quartet from this 18 month long community art project "Well Used, Well Loved."

The quartet from the community art project “Well Used, Well Loved.”

A couple of weeks ago I completed the four panel series from “Well Used, Well Loved.” (WUWL) The outer two panels are woven in a brocade weave with miles of shifu – paper spun thread with text from WUWL participants. The center two panels are hand dyed and woven linen with embroidery and a red shifu thread couched on to the surface.It has been photographed — with a bit help help from Photoshop – because it as too wide for one shoot! The whole piece measures 12′ wide by 6′ tall.

"Well Used, Well Loved." detail of two center panels

“Well Used, Well Loved.” detail of two center panels

I have a commitment to exhibit the entire project in a wonderful gallery – stay tuned for more details!With the completion of this project, I inevitably have my eyes on my next endeavor. Having been an artist for well over 4 decades, I know that one piece of art leads to another. In this case – the project “Well Used, Well Loved” has got me thinking about subjecting my own woven cloth to more “weathering” before embroidery. So that’s where I am headed right now – to weave some cloth — then heavily wash it, bleach it, pound it, burn it and put some pieces in the garden for the winter!

Woven brocade cloth inserted into old door.

Woven brocade cloth inserted into old door.

Each project or piece of art pulls me further on the path of exploring and expanding ideas, pushing the materials and medium of weaving .And then sometimes I get an opportunity to look back at my art — and see a continuous thread of inquiry. I recently gifted an older piece (1974) to a dear friend. This piece titled “Come In” shows early evidence of my curiosity about weathered works.

Woven brocade cloth inserted into old door.

“Come In” detail Woven brocade cloth inserted into old door.