Patience and perseverence

Hand dyed rayon threads

Hand dyed rayon threads for my new series.

As a weaver for over 40 years, I am well acquainted with patience and perseverance. To create my artwork requires massive amounts of both of these attributes.I believe that by following this pattern of consistent and steady work I not only create strong and weighty work, but my personal character and my artistic vision are strengthened. The rewards for this path are never immediate – but they do show up (think of the turtle in the Tortoise and the Hare fable).

Journals and towels from WUWL

Journals and towels from WUWL

“Well Used , Well Loved” (WUWL) my on-going community art project is one such pathway of persistence and patience. Currently this project is in a nesting phase.  This resting is perfectly aligned with the seasons. We are about 3 weeks away from the Winter Solstice and the word Solstice comes from the Latin for “sun” and “to stand still”.  My latest WUWL blog post explores this period of creativity – this time of pausing, a fertile suspension of time and effort.Winter has always been a deeply reflective and creative period in my life. This winter will be no exception. I’ve been working on a new series currently titled “Sinking Houses” -  expanding on images that I sketched out last fall during the first waves of the European/Syrian refugee crisis. I am weaving several pieces that I will bring with me when I go to VT in January. I have had the good fortune of being a recipient of a fellowship to the VT Studio Center for one month! I will have a whole month to embroider and embellish these pieces.

Sinking House #1 in progress

Sinking House #1 in progress