Well Used, Well Loved – launches January 6th!

Well Used, Well Loved Journals

Well Used, Well Loved Journals

The eight custom made journals by Whimsy Scribble arrived today! They are an absolutely perfect match for the hand towels. I am so pleased!All the pieces of the project are now ready to go – but I will wait until the busyness of the holidays has quieted down to launch the project. My launch date is now January 6th. I’ll be doing an email blast as well as posting on -Twitter #wellusedwellloved @sarahdhaskellFaceBook Sarah D. Haskellproject blog at www.wellusedwellloved.blogspot.comI am looking for 8 households to adopt a towel and be willing to participate in journaling for the duration of the project (6-9 months). So if this interest you – stay tuned and be ready to speak up on January 6th!