
It is snowing again here in York Maine. I love the muffled quiet that surrounds me when snow falls. Deep, delicious silence.

Three Mandala Community Weavings from Harvard MA March 2013

Tomorrow I am off for a week of silence,  a Women’s Mediation Retreat.   It feels perfect to be heading off for this retreat. I’ve just completed a particularity busy month of residencies and ready to dip into this pool of reflection.These three Mandalas are from my 10 day residency at Hildreth Elementary School in Harvard, MA. These Mandala Community Weavings were woven by 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders, and will be decorated with about 100 clothes pin people each as well as ribbons with inspirational messages. Look for photos of the completed Mandalas at the end of March.I will be back March 15th. Thanks to each of you for your support of my work and your faith in my vision.Namaste, Sarah

Inspirational words from a 3rd grader.