Keep moving!

This summer my mother, Mary Louise, will turn 90. Look at her in this photo with my sister. Believe it or not, this photo was taken this weekend, one month before her birthday!

Lucia and Mary Louise in South Freeport Maine, June 2011

Doesn’t she look amazing?? I know her secret……she has always been an advocate of “move it or loose it”. Back in the 1960s she started taking yoga. I know for a fact that the daily practice of her exercise kept her from being bed ridden the couple of times that she had to be hospitalized.She is an living example of how important it is to keep moving.I try to keep moving in all aspects of my life. Most specifically right now I am trying to keep the momentum moving on the Woven Voices Kickstarter fundThe Grand Finale is now at 37% funding. Since Kickstarter is an all or nothing funding, I must meet the $4000 goal or no funds are dispersed!So in the spirit of Mary Louise, I ask you to take a peek at the Kickstarter video and make a pledge from $1 to $1000. Let’s keep this project moving.Thread by thread we can build a more peaceful world.Ok, gotta run….Sarah