Wake Up!

It is SO beautiful outside right now, I could almost cry. The angle of the sun as it highlights each tender green blade of new grass makes my heart vibrate with joy. The peas are up about an inch. The daffodils and hyacinth are still blooming. The leaves are not quite fully out, which makes the view through the woods like a lace scrim.  Glory is visible in every direction.

friends and family supporters of the Woven Voices project

Yesterday I went to Market Square in Portsmouth, NH to read messages for the “Woven Voices: Messages from the Heart” project. It was an interesting experience, even though I have been doing this for three years. Read more about it on the project blog. Here in my studio I am working on several things. I feel sort of like my gardens with life exploding in every corner.  And because I have so much still to share from my Atlantic passage…here is a journal entry.  Peace, Sarah

Atlantic passage journal entry