Openings, closings, beginnings, endings

December 3, 2010. The third candle of Hanukkah is lit tonight. In nineteen days we will celebrate the Winter Solstice; the tilting of the earth back towards the sun, the return of warmth and light to the northern hemisphere. Transition, change, ritual, celebration and tradition are all apart of our environment as well as our culture.

The sun returns

In my teaching and studio work, these patterns hold true. Wednesday the show at Maine FiberArts and the exhibit at USM Lewiston came down. I spent the better part of this morning repacking, rehanging and storing the exhibited works.On Tuesday I completed my eight week residency at Sweetser School in Saco. I LOVED teaching at this school! Our last day we made birds…birds because I believe that birds are a symbol for being uplifted, for hope and imagination. It is a documented fact that making art can build resiliency. Our felt birds are lifting us up while we are creating them.

a bird in the hand

a bird in the hand

I am so inspired by the work that these students create. Full of light, love and SO imaginative.

American Kestral

American Kestral

With each ending there are good byes, thanks yous and hopes for future projects, opportunities.Moving on. Just like the sun, we keep moving on with our lives.So in the spirit of light, love, letting go, and moving on, I salute the sun.The sun inspires me to rise each day, to move, to smile even if clouds block my ability to see the light.Namaste, SarahCommunity Mandala, Nov 2010

Community Mandala, Nov 2010